Unbelievable Manifesto is a course I lead
to share with you my journey and tools (including cultural studies) that allowed me
to become an energetic match for ancestral abundant heritage,
that I was disconnected from for decades.
It’s a full self-discovery vortex, creative and healing,
full of unexpected a-ha moments for you,
transformative journey that can make you feel being closer to your inherited internal gifts,
claiming your roots and harmony with the unity of the world
on a level that intentionally is about to support your Soul Mission.
I’m sharing there with you, how I became a match
for a huge legacy from my family, how I received
what I thought was lost forever
and how I attracted the most amazing opportunities
that opened new level of love and abundance and care for me from the world,
as an inspiration for your life’s journey.
I believe you deserve to have „Unbelievable”,
„unreasonable”, beautiful, loving manifestations
in your life too, that come from the inside,
once you unlock them in your field and get more creative.
Only for believers, for life artists, mystics, leaders
who treat manifestation as a natural part of your life,
because even though I have scientific background
for doing cultural work for us – I’m not presenting what’s inside
this course as a scientific study case.
It is not for people who want to have everything proved
by current scientific methods of measurement.
It’s a non-religious, spiritual, artistic, expansive,
transformative and cultural course
and should be perceived accordingly.
You set the intentions for yourself.
No guarantee of results,
it’s between you and the Universe
how and what you will manifest while working
in this beautiful vortex.
Purchase only if you can FEEL into it,
like when you buy a concert ticket, a painting course or a vacation travel ticket,
not a medication that HAS TO solve your problems. <3
Ignite your creativity, self-ethnography and leadership
on a new level, and open yourself for ancestral manifestations.
you can take your favorite friend with you after purchasing,
on your + 1 free ticket!
IMPORTANT: After purchasing you will receive access to the course and further information through e-mail within two working days. Please, be patient. |